Monday 11 February 2013

Asana Tip - Varuna Mudra for Burning and Dry Eyes

Varuna Mudra for Burning and Dry Eyes

If your eyes are over exposed to pollution, dust, sunlight, television, computer etc, they lose water and become dry. Sometimes burning sensation and reddishness is also seen.Description: Join your little finger to the tip of your thumb. Keep other fingers comfortably straight. Jal-vardhak (Varun) mudra increases the Jal (water) element within the body.

Sit in dhyana posture(padmasana or sukhasana) and practice this mudra with outstretched palms placed on knees for 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day.
It removes bad air from the eyes and gives relief!

Uses include: This mudra will help overcome:

·         Dryness of eyes

·         Dryness of the digestive tract (mouth, throat & intestines)

·         Blood problems

·         Dryness of the body

·         Muscle cramps

·         Diarrhea & dehydration

Precaution: People having water-retention in their bodies or people with a Pitta + Kapha constitution should perform this mudra moderately, if at all!

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