Thursday, 21 March 2013

Gossip and Nit-Picking..................

This is one habit that many enjoy. Gossip, nit-picking, criticizing and shredding someone’s reputation to pieces. At a party, you are likely to find groups of people who are enjoying nothing than maligning others. Malicious gossip gives them immense pleasure. At work, home or elsewhere, such people revel in finding faults in everything and everyone. Who is perfect? No one! Therefore, we have no right to criticize anyone.
It is easier to grow close to someone when neither person spends time judging the other. Being judged all the time makes it impossible to share. Sometimes, it is difficult to visualize the good in a person or a situation because they seem thoroughly bad to us. But that just our perspective. There is always a good side to everything and everyone; it is for us to spot it.
Its easy to blame, criticism and find the bad and wrong in others. It helps us feel better as it shadows the odds in our lives. What’s difficult is to see the brighter side of everything and everyone and appreciate.
Blaming the government, an organisation or our company is of no use if we, as individuals, contribute nothing towards making a change in the system. We have the duty to change things for the better, instead of nit-picking or blaming the system. While we blame others, there will always be others doing the same about us.
I believe in the Law of Karma that says ‘what goes around comes around.’ Karma doesn’t only apply to physical actions we do but to every intentionally action done by us be it in thoughts, spoken words or deeds. Whatever negative vibrations we throw into the universe will eventually find their way to us. Be good. Be true. Spread Smiles and Find Peace.

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