Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Universe Works – Law of Attraction..!!!

We work hard and do not get the results that we desire. We expect something but it turns out to be absolutely different from our expectation. There have been situations when you worked hard on a project. You did all that you could. But, somehow, the end result was a disappointment. You trained hard for a running event. You were confident of victory. But, somehow, you lost by a few seconds. You attended an interview. You were hopeful. But, somehow you did not land the job.
Yes, it is be disheartening and frustrating. You have done your part well so what went wrong? Relax. Stay cool. It is going to be fine. Focus on your breathing. Inhale and exhale slowly. Relax your heart. Relax your head. Relax your shoulders. Relax your body. And just let go. Understand that for everything there is a reason and for everything there is a season.
There is an invisible force in the works and a greater plan to be unveiled at an appropriate time. Be patient. Follow the flow. Do not force the outcome. Do not time the outcome. Remember the time that a caterpillar takes to turn into a beautiful butterfly? Yes, when the time is ripe. When the internal works are completed, the butterfly will struggle through the cocoon and fly out. If we intervene the process by breaking the cocoon, the butterfly will emerge but it cannot fly and cannot survive long.
You know that the earth rotates even though you cannot feel it. The same goes. Have trust in the guiding hand of the Universe even though you cannot see the magnificent works in the background. Have faith that the Universe is all loving and has a better plan for you that will manifest at just the right time.
What you can do then is, work hard and play your part well, let go and let the Universe take over. For everything there is a reason and for everything there is a season.

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